HuQQabaz Jordan
Golden Gate, Souq Al Dahab, Shatt Al Arab St. Umm Uthania, Amman, Jordan
Golden Gate, Souq Al Dahab, Shatt Al Arab St. Umm Uthania, Amman, Jordan
This policy aims to explain the principles for the processing of personal data that should be known by natural persons, whose personal data we process, such as the suppliers, visitors, and users of websites (https://huqqabaz.com) of HUQQABAZ GIDA ISLETMELERI SAN. ve TIC. A.S. (hereinafter referred to as “HUQQABAZ”).
Within the scope of this policy, the following terms have the following meanings:
Concerned person/natural person: refers to a personal data subject,
Recording medium: refers to all kinds of medium where personal data processed fully or partially through automatic means or provided that the process is a part of any data registry system through non-automatic mean are kept,
Site: refers to the websites at the addresses https://huqqabaz.com,
Data Processor: refers to the natural person or legal entity who processes the personal data on behalf of the data controller, with the authorization given by the data controller,
Data Controller: refers to the natural person or legal entity who/that determines the purpose and means of processing the personal data and is responsible for establishing and managing the data registry system.
Law No. 5651: refers to the Law on Regulation of Publications on the Internet and Suppression of Crimes Committed through Such Publication,
Law No. 6698/KVKK: refers to the Law on Personal Data Protection,
II. Obtaining and Processing of Your Personal Data
1. Processing of Personal Data of the Website Users (Online Visitor), WIFI Service Users, and Call Center Users
1.1. Processing of Personal Data of the Website Users (Online Visitor)
To make requests and suggestions, the users who use the website can fill out the form on the ‘’Contact’’ page at the links https://huqqabaz.com and then, send the data such as name, surname, e-mail, phone, gender, date of birth, address, message, sector, and subject of the form.
The users accept that they share this data with the Site with their free will entirely and that this data is only requested to evaluate the requests and suggestions they send.
Furthermore, the traffic information of the users visiting the Website is processed per Law No. 5651.
1.2. Processing of Personal Data of the WIFI Service Users
To render this service and to comply with Law No. 5651 and the relevant Secondary legislation, it processes the mobile phone number and traffic information of the visitors who visit the premise of HUQQABAZ physically and want to use the WIFI.
1.3. Processing of Personal Data of the Call Center Users
The personal data belonging to users, who call HUQQABAZ, are collected and retained by it.
Personal data such as name, surname, phone, and e-mail address are collected from users who call HUQQABAZ. These data are processed to conduct necessary works to benefit you from the products and services offered by our company and carry out the relevant business processes, to plan and execute activities necessary for suggesting and promoting the products and services offered by the company through customizing them according to your tastes, usage habits, and needs, to conduct necessary works by our relevant business units and relevant business processes to carry out commercial activities by the company, to plan and execute the commercial and/or business strategies of our company and to ensure legal, strategic and commercial job safety of our company and the concerned persons who have a business relationship with our company.
Your personal data that you have shared by calling HUQQABAZ are collected and retained by our company to put your requests, suggestions, and complaints into the process, inform you about the result of the transaction and develop the services and products offered in this context.
2. Processing of Personal Data Within Procurement Processes:
HUQQABAZ processes the personal data of the natural person suppliers, supplier employees and/or supplier officer and the natural persons, legal entity employees, and/or officers to whom product, service, or good is supplied by HUQQABAZ, to follow up and execute the product, service or good procurement processes.
2.1. Personal data processed within procurement processes
HUQQABAZ processes the following personal data within the scope of procurement processes:
Identity information such as name, surname, T.R. identity number concerning natural person supplier and/or purchaser; financial information such as bank details; contact information such as an address, e-mail, mobile phone and personal data of special nature such as photos and signatures in documents such as the statements of signature, circulars, etc.
Identity information such as name, surname, T.R. identity number concerning supplier and/or purchaser officer; personal data of special nature such as photos and signatures in documents such as the power of attorney/circulars, etc.; contact information such as an address, e-mail, mobile phone,
Identity information such as name, surname, T.R. identity number concerning supplier and/or purchaser employee; personal information such as SSI payroll, OHS documents; personal data of special nature such as a medical report, criminal record; educational/professional experience and experience information such as educational background, certificates; financial information such as bank details; contact information such as an address, e-mail, mobile phone.
2.2. Purpose of Personal Data Processing Within Procurement Processes
To fulfill the obligations arising from the legislation such as the Occupational Health and Safety Law, SSI, Labor Law, Turkish Code of Commerce, Tax Procedural Law,
To follow up and execute the contract processes related to the procurement of goods, products, or services,
To ensure compliance with corporate company rules.
2.3. Modes of Collection and Processing of Personal Data of the Supplier and/or Purchaser
Supplier and/or purchaser officer, supplier and/or purchaser employee, or natural person supplier and/or purchaser itself,
Documents such as Circular/Power of Attorney,
Communication channels such as e-mail, phone, website,
Reference Control Sheet.
3. Processing of Personal Data of Physical Visitors
3.1. Processed personal data of natural persons who visit HUQQABAZ premise physically
HUQQABAZ records images with cameras inside and outside the building to ensure the safety of its employees and visitors. The visitors are notified about the recording with the camera inside the building.
3.2. Personal Data of Natural Persons Who Visit Restaurants Physically
HUQQABAZ processes the following personal data of special nature belonging to natural persons visiting restaurants;
Name and surname information,
Phone numbers,
Payment information,
Image record
HUQQABAZ records images with cameras inside and outside the building to ensure the safety of its employees and visitors. The visitors are notified about the recording with the camera inside the building.
3.3. Purpose of Processing Personal Data of Visitors
HUQQABAZ processes the personal data of people who visit the headquarters of HUQQABAZ for the following purposes:
To ensure the venue security
To get identity information and documents per the applicable legislation,
To give a visitor entrance card and create a visitor number,
To keep records of visit entry and exit times,
To create a gun delivery report for visitors who come with guns,
To share the interior and exterior sketch of the building and necessary safety information with the visitor card.
To plan and execute emergency management processes (terrorism, fire),
To conduct security checks of people/products coming to the building,
To inform the law enforcement in case of crime or illegality,
HUQQABAZ processes the personal data of the people visiting the restaurants for the following purposes;
To confirm and plan the reservations,
To ensure the issuance of invoices,
To ensure the security
3.3. Modes of Collection and Processing of Personal Data of Visitors
Official identity documents of the visitor (such as T.R. ID, driving license, passport, lawyer identity card)
Record images taken with CCTV,
Reservation requests made via phone, QFB applications,
3.4. Providing the Security of Visitors’ Personal Data and Sharing Personal Data
Both the identity information of the visitors and the CCTV records are retained in systems only accessible by authorized persons. Upon request, these personal data can be shared with public institutions and organizations that are legally authorized to request such data.
4. Processing of Personal Data of Social Responsibility Project Participants and Training Participants
4.1. The personal data of project associates, project participants, and training participants (such as volunteer workers, parents, students) who/that take a role in the social responsibility projects and training organized by HUQQABAZ are as follows:
Identity information
Communication information
Education information
Financial Information
4.2. Purpose of Processing of Personal Data of Project Associates, Project Participants, and Training Participants
To raise the recognition of the company,
To create social benefit and awareness,
To plan and conduct corporate communication activities,
Event management,
To plan and carry out social responsibility and/or civil society activities,
To plan and carry out sponsorship activities,
To fulfill legal obligations of the company
4.3. Methods of Collection and Processing of Personal Data of Project Associates, Project Participants, and Training Participants
These personal data are obtained from the Project Associates and/or project participants and/or training participants themselves on a project and training basis.
III. Security and Transfer of Your Personal Data and Exercising Your Rights Related to Your Personal Data
All personal information that you have shared with us will be kept confidential in the database at HUQQABAZ per the Art. 12 of Law No. 6698 on Protection of Personal Data and will not be shared with the third parties for commercial purposes.
HUQQABAZ takes the following measures as a minimum to provide the security of the personal data it processes, to prevent unlawful access to them, and to prevent illegal data processing:
It takes hash, encryption, transaction log, access management, and physical security measures to ensure that information systems storing personal data are protected against unauthorized access and illegal data processing.
The website and all systems storing personal data are protected by a network firewall.
HUQQABAZ stores personal data concerning online and physical visitors per the legislation and shares them with relevant public institutions and organizations upon request. The personal data concerning suppliers and/or purchasers can be shared with companies and affiliates within the body of HUQQABAZ as well as the relevant public institutions regarding the goods, products, or services supplied. The personal data concerning participants and/or project associates of social responsibility projects organized by HUQQABAZ can be shared in written, visual and social media with the explicit consent of the concerned person.
The rights that you have concerning your personal data you have shared within the scope of the purposes specified in this Personal Data Protection Policy and the modes of processing of the personal data per Art. 11 of Law No. 6698 are as follows:
a) to learn whether his/her personal data are processed or not,
b) to request information if his/her personal data are processed,
c) to learn the purpose of his/her data processing and whether this data is used for intended purposes,
ç) to know the third parties to whom his/her personal data is transferred at home or abroad,
d) to request the rectification of the incomplete or inaccurate data, if any,
e) to request the erasure or destruction of his/her personal data if the conditions requiring processing are no longer available although they have been processed per Law No. 6698 and other relevant provisions,
f) to request notification of the operations carried out in compliance with subparagraphs (d) and (e) to third parties to whom his/her personal data has been transferred,
g) to object to the processing, exclusively by automatic means, of his/her personal data, which leads to an unfavorable consequence for the data subject,
ğ) to request compensation for the damage arising from the unlawful processing of his/her personal data.
To exercise these rights, you can contact us using the ‘’Application Form’’ on our website through the methods specified in this form at any time.
IV. Retaining Your Personal Data Accurate and Up-to-Date
The relevant groups of the persons, whose personal data we process, accept and declare to be aware that accuracy and up-to-dateness of personal data they share through Website and/or they submit personally due to a contractual relationship are important to exercise the rights on their personal data under the KVKK and other relevant legislation and that they assume the entire responsibility of giving wrong information.
V. Personal Data Retention Period
The period for retaining the personal data of online visitors is 2 years per Law No. 5651. The period for retaining the CCTV records of physical visitors is 90 days. The personal data concerning identity information are retained within the framework of the periods stipulated in the relevant legislation. The personal data concerning suppliers and/or purchasers are retained for 10 years per the legislation following the termination of the legal relationship.
VI. Erasure, Destruction, or Anonymization of Your Personal Data
Your personal data processed for the purposes specified in this Personal Data Protection Policy will be anonymized and continued to be used by us when the purposes requiring processing are no longer available under Art. 7/f.1 of Law No. 6698, and the periods determined by the Law have expired per the Art. 17 of this Law and the Art. 138 of the Turkish Penal Code.
When the retention periods stipulated in the relevant legislation or required for processing have expired, HUQQABAZ anonymizes the personal data it has processed by using one or several techniques specified in the Guide on the Erasure, Destruction or Anonymization of Personal Data published by the Personal Data Protection Board within 6-month period foreseen for the periodic destruction per its business processes and activities, and thus, continues to use these data in this way.
VII. Categorization of Personal Data
Concerned Person Groups |
Data Category |
Online visitors and WIFI Service Users, Call Center Users |
Identity Data, Communication Data, Legal Transaction Data |
Natural Person Supplier and/or Supplier, Supplier and/or Supplier Officer, Supplier and/or Supplier Employee |
Identity Data, Communication Data, Legal Transaction Data, Financial Data, Corporate Identity Data, Visual and Audio Data, Private Personal Data, Personnel Data |
Physical Visitor |
Identity Data, Visual and Audio Data |
Project Associate, Project Participant, Training Participant |
Identity Data, Communication Data, Audio-Visual Data, Financial Data, Education Data |
VIII. Amendments and Updates to the Policy
HUQQABAZ may make amendments or updates to this Policy in line with the legal legislation and Company Policy. The concerned persons are notified about the new Policy text reflecting all these amendments and updates on the website.
Sales Contract
Yenibosna Merkez Mah. Sedir Sk. No: 7, 34197, Bahcelievler/Istanbul
Phone: + 90 212 652 62 22
E-Mail Address: info@huqqabaz.com
MERSIS No: 0734065321700019
Name and Surname:
E-mail address:
Hereinafter referred to as ‘’BUYER’’.
This agreement stipulates the rights and liabilities of the parties concerning the sale and delivery of the product that the BUYER has placed an order at the website of SELLER, www.huqqabaz.com (“Website”) electronically and of which characteristics and sales price are given below, per the Law No. 6502 on the Protection of Consumers and the provisions of the Regulation on Distance Sales Contracts.
The Name, Quantity, VAT Included Sales Price and Delivery Information of the Products are as follows.
4.1 The BUYER declares that the basic characteristics of the product subject to the contract specified on the Website, the sales price including all taxes, the payment method, and the delivery, and the costs of this will be borne by the BUYER unless otherwise stated, s/he has read and is aware of the preliminary information concerning the delivery time and the complete commercial title, full address and contact information of the SELLER and s/he has been informed about the conditions to exercise the right of withdrawal accurately and completely and s/he has given the necessary confirmation in the electronic environment.
The BUYER can submit his/her requests and complaints through the communication channels mentioned above. The SELLER’s customer services will respond to the complaints and requests as soon as possible.
By confirming this contract electronically, the BUYER confirms that s/he has been accurately and fully acquired information about the commercial title, address, contact information, MERSIS number and the basic features of the products ordered, the sales price of the products including all taxes, the payment and delivery information, the right of withdrawal and the procedures and conditions of exercising the right of withdrawal before concluding the distance sales contracts.
4.2 The product subject to the contract is delivered to the BUYER or the person/organization at the address indicated by him/her within the period specified in the preliminary information on the Website depending on the distance of the BUYER’s residential area for each product, provided not to exceed 30 (thirty) days from the date of order.
4.3 If the product subject to the contract is to be delivered to any person/organization other than the BUYER, the SELLER cannot be held responsible if the person/organization to whom/which delivery will be made does not accept the delivery.
4.4 The SELLER cannot be held responsible if the ordered product cannot be delivered to the BUYER due to any problems that the courier company may face during the delivery of the product to the BUYER.
4.5 The SELLER is responsible for the delivery of the product subject to the contract firmly, completely, and per the specifications specified in the order.
4.6 In case of errors in the specifications such as product price, product description, product quality, etc. due to technical errors and errors of fact at the stage of putting the product on sale over the website, the SELLER has the right to cancel the order and return the collected amounts to the BUYER per the provisions of the relevant legislation.
4.7 If the SELLER fails to fulfill its contractual obligations in case the fulfillment of the product or service subject to the order becomes impossible, it shall notify the BUYER in writing or with a permanent data register, within three days as from learning of this situation, and return all the collected payments, including delivery costs, if any, within fourteen days at the latest from the date of the notice.
4.8 If the fulfillment of the order and/or service becomes impossible at the end of the campaign period, the SELLER reserves the right to supply different products at equal quality and price with the approval of the BUYER to fulfill its contractual performance obligation.
4.9 If the relevant bank or financial institution fails to pay the product price to the SELLER due to the unfair or unlawful use of the BUYER’s credit card, debit card, and/or other payment systems offered on the Website by unauthorized persons after the delivery of the product and this does not arise from the BUYER’s fault, the BUYER is obliged to return the relevant product to the SELLER within 3 (Three) days, provided that it has been delivered to him/her. In this case, the shipping costs shall be borne by the BUYER.
4.10 If the SELLER cannot deliver the product subject to the contract in due time due to force majeure or extraordinary circumstances such as weather conditions preventing transportation, interruption of transportation, etc., it is obliged to inform the BUYER. In this case, the BUYER has the right to cancel the order and terminate the contract. In the event of termination of the contract, the SELLER is obliged to return all the collected payments including delivery costs, if any, to the BUYER in cash and fully within 14 (Fourteen) days following the receipt of the termination notice.
4.11 In case it becomes impossible to fulfill the performance of the goods or services subject to the order per paragraph 4 of Article 16 of the Distance Contracts Regulation No. 29188 which entered into force on 27.02.2015, the seller or supplier is obliged to return all the collected payments, including all payments, within fourteen days at the latest from the date of notification.
4.12 When the BUYER exercises his/her right of withdrawal or the product subject to the order cannot be supplied for miscellaneous reasons or the arbitration commission judges to make a refund to the BUYER, the SELLER pays the product price to the Bank at once, if the shopping has been done with a credit card and in installments. The Bank makes the refund in the same number of installments depending on how many installments the BUYER has bought the product. In bank transfer/EFT or payment at the door options, the refund will be made in the form of bank transfer and EFT to the account specified by the Consumer (the account shall be in the name of the person at the billing address or the name of the user member) after requesting the bank account information from the Consumer.
4.13 The SELLER does not keep the stocks of all the products put on sale on huqqabaz.com. The ordered products are produced when deemed necessary. However, it may not be possible to manufacture the ordered products that are out of stock for miscellaneous reasons. All orders are subject to availability in the stocks. If there is a supply shortage or the product is no longer in stock, the SELLER reserves the right to inform the customer about the substitute products in a similar or different category and value that it may order. If the customer does not want to order substitute products, the SELLER returns the amount that s/he has paid for the undesired substitute product to the BUYER.
4.14 The persons under the age of 18 cannot shop from the SELLER.
The BUYER has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 (Fourteen) days without any justification.
Per the Distance Contracts Regulation, the right of withdrawal (right of cancellation and return) cannot be exercised for customized products depending on legal conditions. Furthermore, the SELLER has no right to withdrawal from all product groups and customized products.
In the contracts concerning the performance of the service, the period of the right of withdrawal commences on the day when the contract is concluded; and in the contracts concerning the delivery of goods, it commences on the day when the consumer or the third party determined by the consumer receives the goods. However, the consumer may exercise the right of withdrawal within the period starting from the conclusion of the contract to the delivery of the goods.
In the determination of the period of the right of withdrawal;
The delivery of the goods by the SELLER to the carrier is not rendered as the delivery to the consumer.
In contracts where the delivery of goods and the performance of services are done together, the provisions of the right of withdrawal concerning the delivery of goods are applied. The products returned by exercising the right of withdrawal are subject to expertise and thus, the return control process is initiated.
To exercise the right of withdrawal, the SELLER shall be notified by telephone or via e-mail within 14 (Fourteen) days and the product is not evaluated within the scope of the provisions of Article 15 titled ‘’Exceptions to the Right of Withdrawal’’ of the Distance Sales Contracts Regulation published in the Official Gazette on 27.11.2014, and it shall be at a quality that can be put on sale by the SELLER again. If this right is exercised;
a) The original invoice of the product delivered to the 3rd person or the BUYER, (If the invoice of the product to be returned is corporate, it shall be sent to the SELLER within 10 (Ten) days together with the return invoice issued by the institution. The order returns whose invoices are issued in the name of corporations will not be completed unless a RETURN INVOICE is issued)
b) The products intended to be returned within 10 (ten) days from the submission of the request for exercising the right of withdrawal shall be returned to the SELLER completely and undamaged, together with their boxes, packages, certificates, gift products and accessories, and gift certificates, if any. If any of these materials are not sent or damaged, the return process is completed by deducting the cost of the material from the refund amount although this is caused by the courier company. The BUYER shall get in contact with the SELLER and learn which procedure to be followed for these actions.
The product price is returned to the BUYER within 14 (fourteen) days following the receipt of the request for exercising the right of withdrawal to the SELLER.
a) Contracts concerning goods prepared in line with the demands or personal needs of the consumer. For this reason, the products which are presented on the website but customized at the request of the BUYER, or special orders which are presented on the website, or the products on which changes have been made in line with the request of the BUYER after the delivery of the ordered product to the BUYER and which have been manufactured specially in line with the special requests of the customer, and the products whose gelatins have been opened, are not within the scope of the products for which right of withdrawal cannot be exercised.
b) Contracts concerning goods or services whose prices change depending on fluctuations in the financial markets and are not under the control of the SELLER or the provider.
c) Contracts concerning the delivery of perishable or expired goods.
d) Contracts concerning the goods whose protective elements such as packaging, tape, seal, package have been opened after delivery; and the delivery of those whose return is not appropriate in terms of health and hygiene.
e) Contracts concerning goods that are mixed with other products after delivery and cannot be separated due to their nature.
f) Contracts concerning books, digital content, and computer consumables offered in the material environment if the protective elements such as packaging, tape, seal, package have been opened after the delivery of the goods.
g) Contracts concerning the delivery of periodical publications such as newspapers and magazines, excluding those provided under a subscription contract.
h) Contracts concerning accommodation, transportation of goods, car rental, food, and beverage supply, and leisure activities for entertainment or rest, which must be made on a certain date or period.
i) Contracts concerning services performed instantly in the electronic environment or intangible goods delivered to the consumer instantly.
j) Contracts concerning services started to be performed with the approval of the consumer, before the expiry of the right of withdrawal.
k) The products delivered to an address outside the Turkish Customs Area as a result of the buyer’s declaration concerning an overseas delivery address are not within the scope of return. All other expenses such as customs costs, extra transportation costs, etc. that may occur in the delivery country shall be borne by the person who has placed the order.
If the products sent overseas are not delivered to the BUYER and are sent back to the SELLER, the shipping cost will not be refunded to the person who has placed the order and will not be sent back free of charge.
If the customs processes of the BUYER’s order are not cleared and the product can be destroyed, detained, etc. within the customs practices of the relevant country, the SELLER is not responsible for this situation and the order amount is not refunded.
If the BUYER has a complaint about his/her order and/or the product subject to his/her order and/or any aspect related to his/her order, s/he can make his/her complaints to the SELLER via the aforesaid contact information. The complaint applications submitted will be recorded, evaluated by the authorized departments, and tried to be resolved, and a response will be given within the shortest time. In addition, the BUYER can make his/her applications for his/her complaints and objections to the arbitration committee for consumer problems where s/he has purchased the relevant good or service or where s/he resides, within the monetary limits determined by the T.R. Ministry of Customs and Trade in December every year.
Bakırköy Courts and Execution Offices are authorized to settle the disputes arising from the implementation of this contract.
Yenibosna Merkez Mah. Sedir Sk. No: 7, 34197, Bahçelievler/Istanbul
Phone: +90 212 652 62 22
E-Mail Address: info@huqqabaz.com
Return Instructions
Our company protects consumer rights and prioritizes after-sales customer satisfaction. Any dissatisfaction with the products that you have purchased and all kinds of problems related to the production are carefully evaluated and resolved within the shortest time. You can find the product return conditions necessary for us to render service to you better and faster below; If any of these requirements are not fulfilled, the product returns are not accepted.
Return Requirements
1. The product to be returned
a- The return of used or damaged products is not accepted.
b- The product to be returned shall be delivered as received completely and undamaged with its standard accessories within 14 days.
2. Invoice of the Product to be Returned (with all copies)
a- For the return procedure, the invoice of the product shall be sent.
b- If the invoice of the product that you want to return has been issued in the name of the company, it shall be sent with the return invoice issued by that company. A return invoice shall be issued.
Other Requirements
If the products received by our Quality Assurance department are delivered per the return requirements, the refund of the product amounts will be put into the process on the day when the product is received by us. The time for reflection of the refund into your account is at the discretion of your bank.
Sending the Product to Be Returned
The product to be returned can be received only by the contracted courier companies. Apart from that, the return and transportation costs of the products that are received by any courier company will not be accepted.
General return requirements are as follows;
- The returns shall be made with the original box or packaging.
- The return of products of which original box/packaging has been damaged (e.g. products on which courier tag has been put on the original box and which have been taped with a courier packing tape are not accepted) and which have lost their ability to resell and cannot be purchased by another customer, are not accepted.
- You must send the original invoice (all copies you have) and a petition indicating the reason for the return, along with the product you want to return.
- If the product(s) you want to return is defective, the courier fee is borne by our company. In this case, you must send them to contracted couriers. In other cases, the courier fee will be borne by you.
Cancellation of the Order
Our valued customers, you can cancel your orders that you have placed wrong or for which you have exercised the right to withdraw. Sometimes, delays may occur in checking emails due to the workload density. There is a possibility that the product has been already shipped. If the product is not shipped in the cancellation process, the entire fee will be refunded through the mode of return that you have used to make the transaction. If the product has been shipped, the courier fee or fees will be deducted and returned.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur at erat aliquam orci aliquam imperdiet. Donec a malesuada arcu. Donec viverra eros arcu. Praesent maximus non est accumsan venenatis. Proin cursus mollis augue, et euismod nulla. In eget molestie ex. Nulla eget lorem nec mauris dictum tincidunt vitae sed ipsum. Nullam vehicula eleifend suscipit. Phasellus ullamcorper ex quis mi sodales fermentum. Nam vitae eleifend metus.
Aenean ut euismod odio, id ultricies dui. Nullam fermentum, lorem et feugiat tincidunt, magna risus sagittis ipsum, a pretium urna nulla in lacus. Vestibulum dui nulla, iaculis vitae magna sit amet, viverra ullamcorper lorem. Proin dictum semper iaculis. Donec ut dolor lectus. Sed ornare metus vel tellus laoreet, et viverra tortor placerat. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In vel consequat elit. Duis sit amet erat aliquam, finibus orci ut, cursus libero.
Proin rhoncus placerat augue nec scelerisque. Nulla in sagittis massa. Ut a est sodales, consequat dolor eu, placerat libero. Donec dapibus suscipit neque at efficitur. Quisque faucibus ligula purus, ut congue quam dignissim eu. Fusce condimentum ullamcorper erat non blandit. Mauris eget lorem sed magna blandit suscipit tincidunt vitae nunc. Cras molestie consequat quam eget condimentum. Praesent a nisi lacus. Duis odio magna, finibus vel sollicitudin quis, facilisis sollicitudin felis. Donec consectetur, odio eget ullamcorper ultricies, magna mauris mollis mi, et condimentum quam justo sit amet eros. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Curabitur congue ex vitae congue tempus. Cras nec augue nec velit blandit varius. In a orci ac lectus condimentum posuere. Duis sit amet tellus dapibus, tempus purus non, dictum libero. Maecenas at leo aliquet magna sollicitudin dictum. In sapien quam, iaculis eget maximus vitae, imperdiet id mauris. Integer eu enim a augue hendrerit maximus. Sed pretium sapien in ex tristique dictum. Morbi sollicitudin massa at pretium rhoncus. Curabitur nisl sem, feugiat non dui id, tristique tincidunt arcu. Phasellus et sapien tincidunt, aliquet risus in, maximus mi. Phasellus interdum tortor dignissim nunc porttitor maximus. Fusce fringilla bibendum nulla ut placerat. Donec risus purus, sagittis vel diam ac, egestas euismod est. Sed id mollis tortor, in volutpat nibh.
Commercial Title |
Address |
: Yenibosna Merkez Mah. Sedir Sk. No: 7, 34197, Bahçelievler/Istanbul |
Telephone |
: +90 212 652 62 62 |
: info@huqqabaz.com |
#BBD0E0 »
Dear User, Welcome to https://huqqabaz.com, a website of HUQQABAZ GIDA ISLETMELERI SANAYI VE TICARET A.S. (hereinafter referred to as the ‘’COMPANY’’).
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The website https://huqqabaz.com and all documents on this website are the property of the COMPANY. These documents cannot be copied or reproduced except when necessary for being displayed on the online system. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you can print out the website pages for your personal use. Regardless of the aforesaid general principles, the COMPANY can allow for downloading wallpapers, screen savers, and other programs from the site. The user assumes all kinds of legal liabilities arising from all kinds of uses which may breach the intellectual and industrial rights concerning the documents on this website.
If you want to create a link with the website, this link shall be directed to the homepage of https:// huqqabaz.com. [https://huqqabaz.com]
Although the COMPANY has taken measures to ensure that the website is free of viruses and similar software within the bounds of possibility, the user is obliged to supply his/her own virus protection system and provide the necessary protection to ensure the ultimate security. In this context, the user hereby accepts that s/he is responsible for all errors that may occur in his/her own software and operating systems and the direct or indirect consequences of these due to his/her website http://www.huqqabaz.com.
All kinds of prices, information, images, explanations, and news (hereinafter referred to as ‘’information’’) on the website http://www.huqqabaz.com are only for promotional and information purposes. The user cannot claim that the ‘’information’’ on the website is incorrect or s/he has suffered a loss based on this information. When the user intends to take action based on the information, s/he accepts that s/he is obliged to obtain the final and reliable information from the COMPANY and that the COMPANY has no responsibility if the information published on the website is not up-to-date.
The COMPANY reserves the right to change the content of the site at any time, to change or terminate any service provided to users, and to delete the user information and data registered on the website http://huqqabaz.com at its sole discretion. Although the COMPANY has taken every measure to ensure that the website is error-free, it does not give any guarantee concerning the errors that occur or may occur on the website.
If the service charge information is provided on the website http://www.huqqabaz.com, the relevant information is valid on the date of the last update. We kindly request you to get in contact with the COMPANY for final information concerning services and reservations. In this context, the COMPANY declares that the information on the website (unless otherwise expressly stated) is not an offer for rending service and does not constitute a commitment on behalf of the COMPANY.
If a criminal complaint or an official investigation request is received from the official authorities and/or it is determined that the user has committed any electronic sabotage or attack that will prevent the operation of the COMPANY’s systems or change their operation, the COMPANY has the right to investigate the user’s identity information and notify the legal authorities.
The COMPANY assumes the responsibility of ensuring the security of the COMPANY’s website and all its subsites and other information systems. Any damage to the systems by scanning for the detection of vulnerabilities in websites and other information technology systems for commercial, well-intended, or other purposes, and exploiting the vulnerabilities that can be detected and any activity such as leaking information, etc. are illegal. In case of such activities, sanctions may be imposed per Law No. 5651 on Regulation of Publications on The Internet and Combating Crimes Committed By Means of Such Publications. In case of such attempts, the COMPANY reserves the right to initiate legal actions with the data collected under the law regarding the type and time of attack and attacker and to demand fines or imprisonment as a result of this legal action.
In some cases, non-personal information may be collected. Examples of this type of information are the type of internet browser you use, your operating system, and the domain name of the website through which you have accessed our site with a link or an advertisement.
When you visit the website, information may be placed on your computer. This information will be in the form of a cookie (‘’cookie’’) or similar file and they will help us in several ways. However, it is aimed to provide you with a better internet experience by tracking your preferences during your visits to our website. To illustrate, the cookies will enable us to organize the websites and advertisements according to your interests and preferences. Almost all internet browsers have options to delete cookies from your hard disk, prevent them from being written, or receive a warning message before they are saved. For more information on this, please refer to your browser’s help files and usage information.
Our company integrates personal data obtained from online and offline sources in compliance with the relevant legislation into internet-based platforms. Our company uses this data to conduct necessary data analytics studies by the business departments to benefit its customers from the products and services offered by our company, to customize the products and services offered according to the usage habits and needs of the customers and thus, recommend them to the customers and/or to analyze them for the companies/brands with which we make cooperation and thus, provide customized advertisements, campaigns, and other benefits. In this direction, it also utilizes data management platforms and similar digital advertising platforms and technologies to be able to advertise with the target audience and/or provide a target audience to the advertisers’ digital advertising projects. For the management of these platforms, cooperation can be made with different companies within the framework of certain contracts, and thus, support can be taken from various companies in operational processes.
Our company can divide its customers into several categories and groups on digital advertising platforms or technologies by using online customer information obtained in several ways such as cookies, digital device identification information and SDK (software development kit), and customer information obtained from offline sources. This data is integrated into digital advertising platforms and securely kept using various algorithms and internationally accepted encryption methods.
If you want to remove cookies from your computer and cell phone, we recommend you follow the following processes: First, you can use your browser and access the cookies already installed on your terminal to delete the cookies displayed in the main title one by one or all at once:
For other browsers, you can review your browser’s help or support pages.
In addition, you can visit the following pages or use the ‘’Privacy Badger’’ application to be informed about all cookies and to manage cookies:
Blocking or deleting the ‘’necessary cookies’’ to ensure the technical functionality of the site used on our company website may affect or even prevent the use of these sites.
Matters to be Considered Per the Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works and Law No.5651 on Regulation of Publications on The Internet and Combating Crimes Committed By Means of Such Publications
The User(s) accept(s) and declare(s) that there may be links on the website allowing access to another website or content, the control, accuracy, or adequacy of these is not related to the COMPANY and the COMPANY does not support these sites in any way or guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on these sites and does not assume any responsibility for the contents contained in these sites, and the COMPANY or any group company or their employees, managers, authorized persons or institutions has no any legal or penal responsibility for the use of these sites and/or their contents or the results of decisions taken based on these contents, and for material or immaterial, positive or negative or possible damages or expenses s/he has suffered since s/he has not read the terms of use of the website or has read but not acted under these terms, and that the COMPANY has not guaranteed the accuracy and/or adequacy of the information given on the website.
The User(s) accept(s) and declare(s) that there may be any text, information, comments, opinions, news, images, pictures, figures, charts, and other materials belonging to the COMPANY or a third party or organization on the website and the COMPANY has legal rights related to these materials per the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works and these cannot be copied, modified, reproduced, published, sold or let somebody use or intervened to these without consent of the COMPANY.
All logos, trademarks, and corporate emblems published on this site are protected under the provisions of Decree-Law No. 556 on the Protection of Trademarks. The logos cannot be copied or used in any way. The User(s) accept(s) and declare(s) that the COMPANY or any affiliate group company or their employees, managers, authorized persons, or institutions have no legal or penal responsibility for the use of any information to be obtained due to the inclusion of the COMPANY logo or the pages of the website on another website in any way, or any content uploaded to the website by third parties or visitors, or any content that does not result in the use of the internet within the framework of general practices.
The COMPANY has the right to change, renew or cancel any article of the Terms of Use and Cookie Policy on the website http://huqqabaz.com without notice. Any provision changed, renewed, or canceled will take effect for all users at the date of publication.
Privacy Policy
Last updated on JULY 12, 2021
1. Introduction
Q Food Beverage Gıda Işletmeleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. (‘’Q Food’’), Huqqa Gıda Işletmeleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. (‘’Huqqa’’) and Huqqabaz Gıda Işletmeleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. (‘’Huqqabaz’’) (jointly ‘’Q Food Group’’) value your privacy and the security of your data. Therefore, we have prepared this Privacy Policy to inform you about what data we collect, the purposes of data collection, and your rights concerning your data.
This Privacy Policy is only applied to https://huqqa.com, https://huqqabaz.com, https://qfoodbeverage.com, https://themarketbosphorus.com, and https://qurabiye.com (‘’our websites’’). If you do not accept this Privacy Policy, you should not continue to use our website.
2. Links to other websites
The content on our website may contain links to third-party websites and our Privacy Policy is not applied to these websites. We do not assume any responsibility for these websites. Before sharing your data with third-party websites, you should read their privacy policies.
3. Data we collect
When subscribing to our websites, you directly provide us with data such as your name, surname, username, and e-mail address.
We collect your IP address during your membership to our websites.
We store your data such as phone number, address, credit card, and bank account information that you directly share with us during the process of purchasing products from our websites online.
4. How do we use the data we collect?
We use the data you provide directly to us to send newsletters to you, to create and maintain your user account, to use the features on our website, to sell and supply products, to issue invoices, and to provide after-sales services concerning these. The legal grounds for this use are your consent, the conclusion, and execution of a contract, our obligation to fulfill our legal liabilities, the obligation of data processing for our legitimate interests, and expressly stipulated in the laws.
Your IP address is collected and stored to fulfill our legal obligation arising from Law No. 5651 on the Regulation of Internet Broadcasts and Prevention of Crimes Committed through Such Broadcasts
5. How long do we retain your data?
We retain the data that you share directly when subscribing, in our systems as long as your membership to our website continues.
The data you share directly when subscribing to our newsletter is retained in our systems until you unsubscribe.
Your IP address is retained in our systems for 1 year.
We retain the data you share with us directly for online product purchases in our systems throughout the subscription period.
6. Sharing your data
We do not share your data with third parties, except to respond to binding requests from official authorities and courts to fulfill our legal obligations.
7. Cookies
Cookies are simple text files that are placed on your browser by websites to recognize your preferences and actions.
We only use UI optimization cookies for your language preferences.
You can manage cookies in your browser’s settings.
8. Age limit
Our website is intended to be presented to persons at the age of 18 years or above, and you should not use our website unless you are at least 18 years old. If we become aware that we are processing personal data belonging to persons under the age of 18, we will delete this personal data immediately.
9. Your rights concerning your personal data
You can exercise your rights described below by sending an e-mail to info@qfoodbeverage.com.
to learn whether your personal data are processed or not,
to demand information and their copies of your personal data have been processed,
to learn the purpose of the processing of your personal data and whether these personal data are used in compliance with the purpose,
to know the third parties to whom his personal data are transferred at home or abroad,
to request the rectification of the incomplete or inaccurate data, if any,
to request the erasure or destruction of your personal data,
to request reporting of the rectification, erasure, or destruction of your personal data to third parties to whom your personal data have been transferred,
to object to the occurrence of a result against you by analyzing the data processed solely through automated systems,
to request compensation if you suffer a loss due to processing of your personal data unlawfully,
to request termination of processing of your personal data entirely or partially,
to request an electronic copy of your personal data processed and request transmission of these to someone else,
to object to our processing of your personal data at any time.
10. Amendments to our Membership Policy
We can make amendments to our Privacy Policy at any time. We’ll let you know when we make any substantial changes.
11. Contact us
You can contact us about your questions and comments concerning this Privacy Policy at any time by writing to info@qfoodbeverage.com or the following e-mail address.
Yenibosna Merkez Mah. Sedir Sok. No:7 34197 Bahçelievler /Istanbul
Cookie Policy
www.qurabiye.com (jointly the ‘’Websites’’)
Cookie Policy
Q Food Beverage Gıda Işletmeleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. (‘’Q Food’’), Huqqa Gıda Işletmeleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. (‘’Huqqa’’) and Huqqabaz Gıda Işletmeleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. (‘’Huqqabaz’’) (jointly ‘’Q Food Group’’) utilizes cookies to provide you with more preferential and smart options. Without using cookies, it is not possible for us to keep all the functions of our website active and for you to utilize them. By accepting our cookie policy, you are also deemed to have accepted all the following aspects.
What is Cookie?
Cookies are small text files or information that web pages (webserver) save on your computer or mobile device (such as smartphone or tablet) via browsers during the visit of webpages.
Why Do We Use Cookies?
We use the cookies for the following reasons;
Proper functioning of the web page,
Faster and easier access to the next web page,
Making the access some features easier for users,
Presenting interest-based advertising,
Providing ease of access by saving your password if requested
Acquiring analytical data in terms of webpage
In particular, acquiring information about how often, for how long and to which pages the users access web pages has importance for the owners of the web page as well as leading our strategic planning.
How Cookies Work?
When the user enters a web page, s/he requests the website to be displayed on the server (HTTP request), and in response to this request, the server sends the website to the user (HTTP response). It is possible to use the website with cookies from the stage of request and displaying the web page in response to the request.
What Are the Types of Cookies We Use?
As can be seen from the table below, we use many types of cookies to provide a better experience for our users. We also utilize several online tools when using these types of cookies.
Type of Cookie |
Function of Cookie |
Explanation of Cookie In Terms of Data |
Mandatory |
These cookies are required for the Websites to function properly, and they enable you to browse our sites and utilize the site features. An example of this is remembering previous actions (e.g. text input) when returning to a page within the same session. |
These cookies do not identify you. If you do not accept these cookies, the performance of the website or parts of the site may be affected. |
Performance |
These cookies help us to understand how visitors interact with our website by providing information on issues such as areas visited, time spent on the site, and error messages encountered. This enables us to improve the performance of our website. |
These cookies do not identify you. All data is taken and aggregated anonymously. |
Functionality |
These cookies enable our websites to remember your preferences (e.g. your username, the region you are in, or the language you use) for a more customized online experience. Cookies also enable visitors to watch videos, play games, and use social tools such as blogs, chat rooms, and forums. |
The information that these cookies collect may include confidential data that can identify you, such as your username or profile picture. We must always be transparent about what data we collect, what we do with that data, and who we share it with. If you do not accept these cookies, the performance and functionality of the website may be affected and some content on the website may not be accessible. |
Targeting Advertising |
These cookies are used to deliver content that is close to you and your interests. They can be used to serve targeted ads or to limit the number of times an ad is displayed to you. We may use these cookies to remember the websites you visit and share this information with third parties, including advertisers and our own companies. |
Many types of these cookies can collect personally identifiable information by tracking consumers with their IP addresses. For detailed information on the data collected and how this data is used, visit the Targeting/Advertising section below. |
What Should You Know About the Cookie Policy?
As Q Food Group, we can change this cookie policy at any time. If we make substantial changes to the cookie policy, we will notify you on your first visit to our site after the updated Cookie Policy is published.
Can Cookies Be Blocked?
To change your preferences concerning the use of cookies or to block or delete cookies, simply change your browser settings. We would like to state that if you opt-out or reject the cookies, some features and services on our websites will not work properly since we will not be able to recognize and associate your account(s).
To turn cookies off;
For Chrome users, you can use the option ‘’Settings/Privacy/Content Settings/Turn cookies off’’ in your browser settings.
For Internet Explorer users, you can use the ‘’Options/Internet Settings/Privacy/Settings’’.
For Firefox users, you can use the option “Tools/ Options/ Privacy/ Cookie acceptance method/ Until Firefox is closed”.
If you have any questions concerning the Cookie Policy, please contact us at info@qfoodbeverage.com.
Please ensure that the e-mails you send do not contain your credit card information or other private information since our e-mail communications are not always secure.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur at erat aliquam orci aliquam imperdiet. Donec a malesuada arcu. Donec viverra eros arcu. Praesent maximus non est accumsan venenatis. Proin cursus mollis augue, et euismod nulla. In eget molestie ex. Nulla eget lorem nec mauris dictum tincidunt vitae sed ipsum. Nullam vehicula eleifend suscipit. Phasellus ullamcorper ex quis mi sodales fermentum. Nam vitae eleifend metus.
Aenean ut euismod odio, id ultricies dui. Nullam fermentum, lorem et feugiat tincidunt, magna risus sagittis ipsum, a pretium urna nulla in lacus. Vestibulum dui nulla, iaculis vitae magna sit amet, viverra ullamcorper lorem. Proin dictum semper iaculis. Donec ut dolor lectus. Sed ornare metus vel tellus laoreet, et viverra tortor placerat. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In vel consequat elit. Duis sit amet erat aliquam, finibus orci ut, cursus libero.
Proin rhoncus placerat augue nec scelerisque. Nulla in sagittis massa. Ut a est sodales, consequat dolor eu, placerat libero. Donec dapibus suscipit neque at efficitur. Quisque faucibus ligula purus, ut congue quam dignissim eu. Fusce condimentum ullamcorper erat non blandit. Mauris eget lorem sed magna blandit suscipit tincidunt vitae nunc. Cras molestie consequat quam eget condimentum. Praesent a nisi lacus. Duis odio magna, finibus vel sollicitudin quis, facilisis sollicitudin felis. Donec consectetur, odio eget ullamcorper ultricies, magna mauris mollis mi, et condimentum quam justo sit amet eros. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Curabitur congue ex vitae congue tempus. Cras nec augue nec velit blandit varius. In a orci ac lectus condimentum posuere. Duis sit amet tellus dapibus, tempus purus non, dictum libero. Maecenas at leo aliquet magna sollicitudin dictum. In sapien quam, iaculis eget maximus vitae, imperdiet id mauris. Integer eu enim a augue hendrerit maximus. Sed pretium sapien in ex tristique dictum. Morbi sollicitudin massa at pretium rhoncus. Curabitur nisl sem, feugiat non dui id, tristique tincidunt arcu. Phasellus et sapien tincidunt, aliquet risus in, maximus mi. Phasellus interdum tortor dignissim nunc porttitor maximus. Fusce fringilla bibendum nulla ut placerat. Donec risus purus, sagittis vel diam ac, egestas euismod est. Sed id mollis tortor, in volutpat nibh.
Whatsapp Notice
As Q Food Beverage Gıda Işletmeleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. (‘’Q Food’’), Huqqa Gıda Işletmeleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. (‘’Huqqa’’) and Huqqabaz Gıda Işletmeleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. (‘’Huqqabaz’’) (jointly ‘’Q Food Group’’), we process the identity, contact, customer transaction information and all other personal data of our customers, who have contacted us via Whatsapp Order Line and submitted to us, limited for the purposes for ensuring the customer satisfaction;
i. To be able to address the person who is being contacted, properly,
ii. To confirm the contact and determination of the number of orders for statistical purposes,
iii. To carry out the information consultancy service provision process of our institution,
iv. To be used as evidence in disputes that may arise,
v. To manage the sales processes of our products and
vi. Customer requests, suggestions, and complaints.
These personal data are not shared with third parties, except for our overseas business associate Whatsapp and authorized public institutions.
This personal data are processed automatically through a relevant platform based on the legal ground of ‘’being necessary for processing the personal data of contract parties provided to be directly limited to the conclusion and execution of a contract’’ and ‘’being compulsory for the legitimate benefit of the data controller provided not to damage the fundamental rights and freedom of the concerned person’’ and with explicit consent per Article 5 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data (‘’Law’’).
You can fill in the ‘’Concerned Person Application Form’’ that you can find on our website and thereby, submit your application concerning your requests within the scope of Article 11 of the Law stipulating the rights of the person concerned via your email address registered in our system to info@qfoodbeverage.com for Q Food, info@huqqa.com for Huqqa, and info@huqqabaz.com for Huqqabaz or through a message with a mobile signed or e-signature, or in writing to our address; Yenibosna Merkez Mahallesi Sedir Sokak No: 7 PK: 34197 Bahçelievler/Istanbul.